Dear communities of enjoyment of the 100/200! Wow.
We are rarely at a loss for words and are good at assessing what we are doing.
But we didn’t see this coming.
Several hundred requests for Fabian’s final exam next Sunday.
We are really touched by how much interest and genuine enthusiasm was evident in every single email.
We are delighted for Fabian that he has received such appreciative feedback for his cooking course idea.
And it also motivates us personally to continue on the path of the Brandherd Esskultur Akademie, transparency and revolution in everyday life.
Thank you!
The 8 places were filled within minutes.
But: the next exam is coming.
I wonder what the topic will be then?
We are curious.
And until then, we can’t help but ask: is there really as much interest in a basic cooking course in the 100/200 as it seems?
If so, please give us a little feedback.
After all, the CIP is the heart of the 100/200.
We wish you all a wonderful new week and look forward to reporting what Fabian, the 8 guests and we experience on Sunday.
Until then, stay tuned.
Best regards.
Sophie Lehmann & Thoma A. Imbusch