Dear friends and enjoyment communities of the 100/200,
It’s that time of year again: Thomas is already thinking about the new theme and “Fire & Smoke 2022” will finally be officially bookable from September.
However, we would like to give you a small preview and the opportunity to make a reservation today.
We would also like to tell you how we want to work with each other.
And to a large extent we are already doing so.
We are looking forward to seven more vegetarian weeks and to the change that is already underway!
Best regards,
Sophie Lehmann and Thomas Imbusch

How do we want to work together?
As you may know, we founded the Bandherd Esskultur Academy, where we train young gastronomic talent independently.
And we know that we can convey gastronomy-related content at the highest level.
But what does it take for people to work well together?
To take responsibility and develop further?
Our candidates answered these questions during a coaching session with Janina Felix.
Janina trains and coaches in leadership and has been with us since the beginning on all topics relating to “communication” and leadership.
And honestly, we wouldn’t have summarized it any other way.
A first big success at the Academy, right?

The bids of the 100/200- defined by the candidates.
§ Honesty is the basic prerequisite for working together successfully.
Honesty with yourself and with others in the team.
§ We respect each other, our environment and the materials that are made available to us.
This starts with the handling of chopping boards and knives and does not end with the careful handling of our food.
§ We draw our daily motivation from the meaningfulness and importance of our work.
Our goal is to get better every day, both personally and as a community, so that we don’t lose sight of the big picture.
Because we are more than just chefs.
§ “First the work – then the pleasure”. Fun and enjoyment are the result of successful work.
§ We leave room for mistakes.
These must always be communicated openly.
If something breaks (or is no longer functional), we report it immediately.
This also applies to all food produced.
§ Our work credo is: CIP (continuous improvement process).
We want to get better every day & not repeat mistakes.
So that we can help each other to improve, we point out mistakes to each other & support each other with problems.
§ Only those who talk can be helped.
Continuous, honest, reflective communication is expected from each other.
Expectations towards others must be clear.
§ No room for egoists.
“One for all, all for one” You are only as strong as your weakest link.
§ Trust is good Control is better.
Everyone is responsible for checking themselves and their work, as well as the work handed over.